

Name: Deidra Nell
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 21 (April 22)
Height: 165 cm/5'4
Species: Wolf/Bull Terrier Hybrid
Orientation: Asexual/Aromantic
Likes: Staying inside their room the entire day, baking, rock and heavy metal, coffee, collecting animal plushies
Dislikes: Crowded places, clowns, working out, socializing, being watched

Meet Deidra, the resident melancholic among the group of four. Deidra is often found hiding away in their room, savoring the sweet silence and steering clear of the social scene. Social interactions? Not their forte, as they tend to get anxious and stutter, making them the quietest in the crew. Their quick wit and sharp tongue can sometimes sting, unintentionally hurting their roommates' feelings, not that Deidra minds much. Despite this, they actually enjoy spending time with their housemates, particularly when it comes to movie nights. So, while Deidra may seem aloof and sarcastic, they still find comfort in the camaraderie of their friends.


  • they're mostly based on me

  • had a tailmouth that act as a pet and sometimes spits out their negative thoughts, to which Deidra's dismay

  • they had a wide mouth on their stomach area that camouflage as an exposed ribs

  • their left eye can foreshadows the deaths of people; how they died and the damage that occured to them

  • ironically despite being a dog breed, Deidra hates socializing

  • Deidra loves collecting plushies

Name: Vincent Oxeborne (Vince/Vox)
Pronouns: Any Pronouns
Age: 22 (April 22)
Height: 175 cm/5'7
Species: Hybrid Lizard
Orientation: Asexual/Biromantic
Likes: Lava lamps, hanging out with his roommates, fried bugs, thrift shopping, 80s rock music
Dislikes: Being alone, candies, coffee, licorice, any mind-boggling games

Meet Vincent, the laid-back one out of the quartet. He might come off as a show-off, but deep down, she's a genuinely nice guy! Vincent thrives on pulling their roommates out of their cozy rooms and dragging them outside, ignoring their protests along the way. Despite their party animal reputation, he's got a big heart and a knack for lending an ear when their friends need to vent.Vincent is grateful for anyone who considers her a friend, and it shows in their willingness to listen and support. Sporting their cool glasses 24/7, he feels incomplete without them—they're his ticket to looking stylish while avoiding eye contact, which triggers his anxiety. With her carefree attitude and loyal friendship, Vincent keeps the vibes light and the laughter rolling.


  • she is based by me(2)

  • his flesh wound glows in the dark

  • they hate everything that Includes riddles and puzzles, as it often hurts his brain

  • he is the tallest out of her roommates

  • they enjoys annoys his roommates by making tons of dad jokes and horrible puns

  • they ever drank the lava lamp liquid at least twice thinking it was made of Sunkist soda

Name: Shannon Montgomery
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 16 (April 22)
Height: 140 cm/4'5
Species: Bighorn Sheep
Orientation: Asexual/Demiromantic Lesbian
Likes: Pastel colors, cute dresses, simulator games, bottle charms, boba drinks, lofi music
Dislikes: Crowded places, anyone making fun of her height and quirky hobbies, horror movies, loud music

Meet Shannon, the hard-headed one out of the crew. She's loud, fiery, and her anger is as unmistakable as her voice echoing down the hallway. Shannon might try to hide it, but her emotions are as clear as day, often spilling out in a stream of screams or even tears when she can't keep it all in. To manage her intense emotions, she employs the silent treatment—a warning to all that she's not to be trifled with.On the flip side, Shannon has a sweet side too—literally. She's a cake-baking whiz, and when she's in the sharing mood, her roommates are treated to her delicious creations. But if you catch her on an off day, asking for a slice will earn you nothing but a cold shoulder. Shannon may be a whirlwind of emotions, but her passion for baking keeps things sweet!


  • she is based by me (3)

  • she's trans!!!! (hence why she's got a large horns)

  • she is proud of her large horns and often used it to rammed it on Oscar

  • she's the shortest in the house

  • she secretly reads Twilight and often argues with Deidra about Twilight's werewolves

  • she love stickers so much she stick to every object in the house, even herself

  • she often sneaks out of the house just so she could enjoyed the silent night walk

Name: Oscar Sawseidge
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 16 (April 22)
Height: 145 cm/4'7
Species: Cat-Weasel Hybrid
Orientation: Asexual/Straight
Likes: Building and breaking stuff, pranking his roommates, various sea snacks, drinking fruit soap, flash games
Dislikes: Crowded places, people using him as a jump rope, his belly getting rubbed, working out, any horror games

Meet Oscar, the joker of the crew. He’s all about pranks, often teetering on the edge of what’s safe, much to the chagrin of his roommates. From absurd photos to outrageous jokes, Oscar's laughter can be heard echoing through the halls. His favorite pastime? Playing games with his friends and poking fun at their losses, a habit that often gets on their nerves.Despite his playful demeanor, Oscar has a soft spot for helping his friends, particularly when it comes to anything video game-related. He’s fully aware that his antics can be bothersome, but that doesn’t stop him—he loves being his mischievous self and thrives on the thrill of a good prank. Watch out when Oscar’s around; you never know what kind of trick he’s got up his sleeve!


  • he is based on me (4) AND Berdly (acts like him too)

  • he keeps a whole dictionary of slurs just so he can use it whenever he involves in an online argument

  • he can extend his body at his own will

  • he went to hospital several times due to him keep eating various foreign items

  • he always beefs with Summer by pranking each other

  • he is the only one who doesn't wear any clothes (tie not included) as he has no shame at all

Name: Cheesire Zanetti (Chizzet)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 19 (April 22)
Height: 130 cm/4'2
Species: Humanoid Cheese
Orientation: Asexual/Gay(?)
Likes: Pepperman, any cheese snacks, break time, lollipops, taffies, ice creams, soda pops, eating his hairs (they grew back), his pet cat (Doughie)
Dislikes: Pepperman, people mispronouncing his name, annoying customers, his neighbors, his boss' anger problem, the fact that he fell for Pepperman

Meet Chizzet, the sleepy employee of the lonely Peppino's Pizza. He's a washed-up mime who spends his days either nodding off or cleaning the empty pizzeria, dreaming of a livelier life. Business might be slow, but Chizzet's got the place looking spotless—when he's not catching a few winks, that is.Though Peppino's lacks customers, it does have "friends" who stop by to visit, much to Chizzet's annoyance. Whether they're there for pizza or just causing a ruckus, Chizzet tolerates their presence with a tired sigh and a flick of his cleaning cloth. If nothing else, his days at Peppino's are never boring!


  • he used to be a mime before heattempted murder on some guy by dropping an imaginary piano (he's not that funny anyway)

  • he's trans!!!!! hooray for trans melted cheese!!!!!!

  • big fan of video games, especially arcade games

  • often utilise his melted, cheese hair as a side dish for his homemade fried food (this dude hella GROSS!!!!)

  • owns a cat name Doughie that is ironically made of, you guessed it; a dough!

  • made of 15% melted cheese, 15% anxiety, 50% anger and 20% sarcasm. also he can transform himself into a gooey, melted cheese to get through narrow alleys

Name: Dribster Van Darco (Drib)
Pronouns: She/It/They
Age: 14 (June 6)
Height: 130 cm/4'2 (in disguise) | 180 cm/ 5'9 (Original Form)
Species: Void Monster/Large-Eared Rabbit
Orientation: Asexual/Aromantic Straight
Likes: Slasher, raw meats (especially dead fetuses), playing pranks on others, collecting bottle caps and rocks, ice cream sundae
Dislikes: Every veggies, her true form (sometimes), religious folks, dubstep music, ASMR

Meet Drib, the life of the party and the reason why the term "chaotic" was invented. Born a void monster, she decided to spice things up by wearing a skin suit, blending into Maulseleum like a carnivorous chameleon. Sure, she's labeled insane, but that's just society's way of saying she's living her best life. Obsessed with meat (fetus included, because why not?), Drib's got a knack for controlling her carnivorous urges by devouring an epic variety of food. Picture this void monster strolling around Maulseleum, grinning like she's got the best punchline to a cosmic joke. Oh, and did we mention her only buddies in the former genius of smart cities, Verdaneon, were stuffed corpses filled with grass? Just a regular day in the apocalyptic plant world, where receiving a chunk of meat is basically hitting the jackpot. It's all fun and games until Drib decides to morph into her original form for the ultimate cosmic gag. Get ready for the chaos, the laughs, and the slightly uncomfortable atmosphere – that's just Drib being Drib.


  • possibly has adhd

  • will gnaw your face for shit and giggles

  • her true form is a void-meat like creature with crab-like skeletal legs

  • her skinsuit can fit her gigantic body as the inside of it is like an infinite hole of void and their skinsuit also seems to alive, as it can bend and change as Drib's free will

  • she has a biting habit as she can feel her teeth itching when she's not biting someone and her bite appears Infectious as it will drive the victims to suicide with a wide smile on their face

  • is actually very bad at reading the atmosphere

Name: Slasher Roger
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 14 (March 31)
Height: 133 cm/4'3
Species: Wolf
Orientation: Asexual/Straight
Likes: Drib, anything cute and pretty, collecting stamps, baked goods, gardening
Dislikes: His dad, his curse, cigarettes, pools, disturbing/horror movies

Enter Slasher, the wolf with an anxiety level higher than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. With a perpetual sad look in his eyes, Slasher would rather craft a thousand handmade trinkets than make eye contact. While not the genius his sibling is, he's the unsung creative force in the family, weaving unique short stories and mastering handicrafts like a pro. Constantly labeled a "sissy" and enduring mockery from his less-than-charming father, Slasher found his sanctuary in his mother's unconditional love and encouragement.
Post-mom, life became a maze of hiding true feelings and being the stoic rock for his little brother, enduring his father's disparaging comments about not being "man enough." But enter Drib, the chaos-bringer, and suddenly, Slasher feels the walls coming down. In Maulseleum, he's shedding the emotional baggage, embracing his artistic side, and slowly transforming into the beast he was meant to be. From escaping a toxic household with a monster-induced near-death experience to crafting a new, open chapter in the urban jungle, Slasher's journey is about to get wild.


  • Slasher loves cooking and baking that ended up being very good at it

  • he is also quite smart and very good at handicrafts

  • he has the fear of drowning due to his father used to abuse by drowning his head in the sink and also fear of fire as his father often burned his arms with cigarettes

  • he sometimes helps Drib covered up her crimes by burying the bodies on his garden (it does makes his plants "happy")

  • Slasher collected lots of My Little Pony and Magical girl figurines

  • he may or may not realize that he's a monstrous wolf whenever the moon rises

Name: Hufford (Named by Drib)
Height: 205 cm/6'7
Likes: Drib, doing activities with Drib, playing catch, raw meat, gnawing on people he despises
Dislikes: Anyone who wronged him or Drib, Drib scolding him

Hufford is Slasher's alter ego, a transformation he fears and resists, often resulting in self-inflicted harm. Typically emerging during a full moon, Hufford can also appear when Slasher is overwhelmed by fear, anger, or pressure. Hufford's mindset is that of an angry, cornered feral beast, unable to speak but capable of communicating through growls and barks.After reverting back to Slasher, he has no memory of the night’s events or activities, although he sometimes recalls the killings he committed. Like a curious wolf, Hufford is drawn to observing Drib’s antics, seeming to want to join in on the fun. Despite his ferocious nature, Hufford can be playful and dog-like around familiar faces—but a playful fight with him could quickly turn deadly, so proceed with caution!


  • he is scared of thunderstorm (also fire) and easily get stressed because of it

  • whenever someone spotted him, he'll quickly run away or hides as he doesn't want to attack unless if provoked

  • Hufford always felt threatened (and angry) all the time as he's the manifestation of Slasher's negative feelings

  • beside from the full moon, Hufford can also appear whenever Slasher felt threatened, having a massive mental breakdown or seeing a picture that resembles a full moon

  • Hufford often avoid hurting children and instead tries to protect them (if they're in danger) as they reminds him of Slasher's twin brother.

  • Drib always finds Hufford scary because of his habit creepily staring at her all the time

Name: Fredrich Roger (Freddie)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 14 (March 31)
Height: 133 cm/4'3
Species: Wolf
Orientation: Asexual/Demi Panromantic
Likes: Chips, Slasher's handmade cookies, sharing hobbies with Slasher, dark fantasy comics, being clean
Dislikes: His dad, dresses, dealing with his crackhead neighborhoods, crowded places, his sixth sense

Meet Freddie, the hard-headed whiz kid with a knack for acing every subject. Sure, he's the friendliest boy in town, but cross the line with him or his brother, and you'll quickly discover his knack for settling matters with a well-deserved beating. At school, he's the genius who's both the apple of the teachers' eye and a thorn in their side. Despite his academic prowess, Freddie despises the educators for not standing up against bullies like Slasher. Behind his easygoing facade hides a kid drowning in grief, seeking solace in the hazy embrace of marijuana, unwittingly spiraling into addiction.
Before the Maulseleum chapter, Freddie called an abandoned van home, dealing his homegrown stash to fellow vandwellers. The fact that he's a kid? Unbothered, as long as the weed flows. With a green thumb inherited from their mother, Freddie finds solace in gardening. Yet, he's plagued by a nasty habit of shouldering blame, even for things beyond his control. In Maulseleum, Freddie's journey takes a new turn as he navigates the chaos, trying to find redemption and a path out of the smoke-filled haze.


  • transgener!!!!!

  • an otaku, as he reads tons manga (and also into Gundam) and keeps one of Slasher's Magical Girls figurine

  • grows Marijuana so he can enjoyed it all by himself (stress relief)

  • he often talk to himself or his ghostly friends

  • he often blames himself on what happened to his brother and his mother although it is not his fault

  • he has bruises on his neck that he hids with his neckerchief

  • him and Slasher once tried to poisoned their abusive dad with cake laced with rat poison but to no avail

Name: Anastasia Smirnoff (Annie)
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 35 (March 14)
Height: 180 cm cm/5'9
Species: Snow Leopard
Orientation: Straight
Likes: Frank, teasing her husband, chocolate related food, white lillies, taking care of everyone

Dislikes: Frank being worried about her, seeing Frank having PTSD, cleaning, cigarettes, long talks

Meet Annie, the kind-hearted woman with a nurturing touch. Her motherly side shines in the way she dotes on her husband, Frank, with affectionate cheek kisses and gentle caresses. Though her past as a caring nurse speaks volumes about her compassion, her current role as a sniper catches many off guard with her quiet, precise demeanor.Annie has a soft spot for plushies, which she proudly displays on dedicated shelves and keeps close to her bedside. She despises causing others worry and often gives Frank a gentle scolding for fretting too much when she's unwell. Annie's blend of warmth, precision, and love creates a serene yet surprising presence in any situation.


  • decorate the entire house with plushies

  • acts childish and motherly at the same time

  • an ex-sniper and medic, retired to live peacefully with her husband Frank

  • her dream is to owned a flower shop as she loves flowers (failed)

  • she loves living in Antarctica as she can watched the Aurora in the sky with her husband

  • post DEAD-A-TON, she often appear (as a spirit) in Winter season on Maulseleum (usually tending on the flowers) and everyone can see her as a living person. (Except Frank)

Name: Franklin Mc. Charles (Frank)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 50 (August 17)
Height: 230 cm/7'5
Species: Timber Wolf
Orientation: Straight
Likes: Annie and her cooking, taking care of his surrogate children (Drib and Slasher), smoking, reading, alcohol
Dislikes: Being alone, not able to felt love, loneliness, his occasional PTSD, sweets

Meet Frank, the ex-military chief who commands respect both in the neighborhood and within his family. Known for his strong leadership and generosity, Frank's reputation as a fierce and decisive force against murderers is well-deserved—he can't stand such crimes. Despite his tough exterior, Frank plays the role of a surrogate father figure surprisingly well to Drib and Slasher, even though they are monstrous beings he remains unaware of. He takes great care to spend quality time with his two surrogate kids.Around his wife, Annie, Frank softens, showing a bashful and awkward side that she finds endearing. He cherishes the moments they spend together, proving that even the most formidable can have a tender heart. Frank's blend of strength and affection makes him a beloved figure in both the neighborhood and his home.


  • is actually a nice guy but his face says otherwise

  • he smokes 5 packs of cigars a day and has a serious drinking problem

  • he still not aware that he's taking care of 2 monstrous children (literally)

  • he used to live in Antarctica with his wife (Annie) before her passing due to an unknown disease when she was pregnant

  • still can't let go of his late wife after 15 years of her passing

  • acts as surrogate father to Drib and Slasher

Name: Gregory Ashford (Ginger)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 25 (February 14)
Height: 170 cm/5'5
Species: Fox
Orientation: Gay
Likes: Flowers, making his siblings happy by buying them stuff they wanted, nightclubs, being pretty, collecting gemstones
Dislikes: His parents, his family living in a very poor condition, darkness, dirty spaces, getting into trouble

Before his untimely demise, Ginger was a cheerful and upbeat soul who aimed to be a dependable older brother to his siblings. His devotion to them was evident in his willingness to work hard and never give up, all to afford special treats that would bring smiles to their faces.Ginger was unabashedly enthusiastic about his girly hobbies, from collecting dresses to practicing makeup, a passion that often clashed with his father's expectations and fueled his father's anger. Despite the tension, Ginger's hardworking spirit and commitment to his family made him a beloved figure among his siblings. His lively personality and perseverance left a lasting impact on those who knew him.


  • the hairpin is a gift from his little siblings and he still wears it until his demise

  • he covered his right eye as he doesn't want anyone to see his ugly hole of an eye

  • Ginger can changed his form from life to a ghost at his own will

  • he mostly gave his masculine clothing to one of his sibling, as he never wear those and prefers feminine clothes instead

  • he owns tons of fashion magazines and mostly gotten them from the dumpster

  • he is very well known for pole dancing and playing kazoo at the same time

Name: Julius Wagner
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 25 (October 10)
Height: 216 cm/7'0
Species: Anglerfish
Orientation: Asexual/Demiromantic MLM
Likes: Kevin, cooking and baking, admiring his bakery shop, the smell of brand new book, rain
Dislikes: Getting into a fight, his dad, Kevin's sexual urges, mimes and clowns, sweets, anyone who's distrupting his bakery

Julius may have a menacing appearance, but he's more of a sarcastic, laid-back kind of guy. He prefers to mock rather than fight, knowing full well that one punch from him could send someone flying 25 feet away! Because of his intimidating size, Julius is often misunderstood and keeps to himself unless someone engages him first.Cooking is a passion he shares with his mother, giving him a hobby that balances his tough exterior with a warm and creative outlet. Despite his introverted nature, Julius won't hesitate to throw a punch if someone dares to mess with him. His unexpected combination of a gentle chef's touch and raw strength makes him a complex and intriguing character.


  • he is on the spectrum

  • he owns a bakery and is quite popular among the neighbourhood

  • Julius rarely shows emotions but he is very awkward around his boyfriend Kevin but still unconditionally loves him

  • he can't stay under the sun for too long

  • he rarely talks and doesn't like making eye contacts (good thing he doesn't have any pupils so people wont realize that he's looking at them lol)

  • he is mostly shirtless due to any of his clothes doesn't fit (Jacket is exclude) and one pair of pants


Welcome to Maulseleum, the wildest party town turned upside down! Imagine a city now tangled in vibrant chaos after a mishap with some seriously funky toxins! Buildings are decked out in nature’s best, while the soundtrack of eerie silence is occasionally spiced up by the wild calls of bizarre creatures called Planteras—think part-plant, part-zombie, all appetite! Survivors are playing hide-and-seek with these green meanies, armed with flowers that magically calm these critters down. Time's having a laugh, throwing folks from different eras into this jungle mayhem, adding an extra twist to the story. Maulseleum: where surviving’s an adventure, humor’s the secret weapon, and you never know what era’s crashing the party next! 🌿✨

Map of Maulseleum (WIP)

The City of Maulseleum (WIP)